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WELCOME TO... Rosewater           Productions


At Rosewater Productions, we are passionate about creating high-quality podcasts which bring listeners into the world of unique, exciting storytelling. We simply would not be able to accomplish this goal without our brilliant team of contributors!

Sophie Pell - Writer (1)_edited.jpg

Sophie Pell is Staff Writer for the Words from Friends podcast. Her short story, Double Act, appears in episode #1.

​Sophie's bio can be read here, and her further credits and upcoming projects can be found on her website.

Sophie Pell


B. D. Bradshaw


B. D. Bradshaw is a contributor to the Words from Friends podcast. Her short story, Night and Day, can be heard in episode #1.

Bradshaw's full bio can be read here.

Links to her published works can be found here and here.

She can also be found on social media under @bdbradshawbooks on Facebook and Pinterest.

Simon Kerr


Simon is a contributor to the Words from Friends podcast. His short story titled Surrender appears in episode #2.

Simon Kerr (he/they pronouns) is a writer and bookseller in Fort Collins, Colorado. He is passionate about expressing genderqueer experiences through sci-fi and fantasy and testing the resteep limit on a pot of tea. His short fiction appears online and in several inaccessible zines. 

His portfolio can be found here and he can be found on Instagram at @laughterpalace.

Jasmine Johnstone


Jasmine is a contributor to the Words from Friends podcast. Her short story titled Squeam-ish appears in episode #2.

Jasmine lives in North-East Scotland with her husband and their five children. She is currently studying Creative Writing with the Open University. She has had a life long love of the Arts, with writing holding her heart, and she enjoys writing short stories, poetry, and novels. Her dream is to be an author people love to read. ​​

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